October Home Maintenance and Safety Checklist

As the “fall” season has begun, your home deserves a bit of special care. Here is a list to help guide you through completing some important safety and maintenance tasks in October. If you have too much on your plate, hire us for all of your home watch and care needs.


Clean and change range hood fan: Your range hood funnels odors and smoke out of your home, and a dirty fan is dangerous. Wipe it down and ensure it is fully functional to avoid fire hazards in the kitchen.

Scrub out your microwave: Put a bowl of water in the microwave and warm it for about a minute. The steam will make it much easier to scrub off any caked-on leftovers.

Clean out your spice cabinet: Expired spices lose flavor and may harbor mold or other bacteria. Clean out your spice cabinet two times per year to ensure freshness.

Tighten and lubricate the hinges on your refrigerator: If your fridge has been making sounds each time it is opened or closed, it is probably time to add a little bit of lubrication to the hinges.

Bedroom and living areas

Install or replace outlet covers: Especially if you have kids, you know the drill. It is important to keep those outlets covered and safe from little fingers.

Fireplace cleaned: If you plan to use it at all (yes, some homes in Florida do have fireplaces for the “winter” months), it is important to get it serviced by a professional. Yearly inspections of both the chimney and fireplace are recommended.

Safety plan for natural disasters: For those of us in South Florida, the most common natural disaster is a hurricane. Create a family safety plan, jot it all down and discuss it with your family.

Clean blinds and check weather stripping around doors and windows: Replacing any worn caulking that leaves gaps to prevent any wind whistling and/or water from coming in. This will help with energy costs as well.

Ceiling fans, light fixtures and vents: Dust them all off to help prevent the spreading of dust mites.

Other things to check:

  • Check bathroom caulking
  • Dust stair handrails
  • Install storm windows, if need be.
  • Rake leaves and dispose of old mulch
  • Prune plants and trees
  • Organize garage
  • Inspect roof
  • Fertilize lawn
  • Clean gutters
  • Touch up exterior paint


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